Genevieve Flanagan owns and operates the one-woman show the Urban Acre Homestead: an urban farm in Northeast Portland, focused on serving fresh, beautiful, and nourishing food to neighbors. The Urban Acre is a diversified small farm with vegetables (especially greens), fruit and berries, perennial edibles, medicinal and culinary herbs, and a fledgeling tea plantation.
If you listened to our Practicum episode with Genevieve (Episode 01P), you already know about her tea blossom tea and her gorgeous buckhorn plantain. This full conversation with Genevieve unpacks her ongoing dance-boss-intimacy with the weather, her long history of responding thoughtfully to economic and environmental disruptions, and her ways of making magic—and a widget—with exactly what Earth has to offer as the season changes.
If you’re in Portland, make sure to visit Genevieve at the Montavilla farmers’ market on Sundays and get yourself some seasonally appropriate sweet and spicy tart and crispy greens. Just follow the vum vum vum vum vum and you’ll find her! You can also get a glimpse of Genevieve’s work on instagram @theurbanacre.
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